Aw, to be back in Dooooblin! It is such a cool place. On my first day, I was out hiking the streets and I passed a double-decker bus sitting at a stop. It was about half full, but they were all singing their little hearts out! Couldn’t understand a word, didn’t have a clue what it was about, but still, you don’t see that in downtown New York. Or Calgary. Except maybe, during Stampede.

     So glad to be back here. The pubs, the people, the energy. My friend showed me a picture that he had built of the docks, how every major tech company had an office within ten blocks. Facebook, Google, Youtube, all of those behemoths.

     But then there is the downside to that. Every day at 5:00 pm the grocery stores, which have learned to specialize in this, are full of lonely little millennials buying their single, prepared meal to take home, cook, and eat by themselves.

     If that is depressing, just go downtown which is a fifteen-minute walk from anywhere. It is bustling, full, lively, walkable, with enough restaurants and little pubs to keep you amused for months.

     It is starting to be one of my favourite cities.

     p.s. You have to see EPIC - the Irish Immigration Museum. There are only about 5 million people in Ireland, but there are 60 million around the world that claim Irish blood. Think about that for a minute.

     p.s.s Did you know that at the turn of the Century Ireland had 60% of the world's whiskey trade? Old Dublin is rife with vacant distilleries. What happened? First along came prohibition in the U.S., taking away a big chunk of the market. Then came a little fight with the British over who was going to end up running Ireland. Because the British lost that one they didn’t want to trade anymore either.  But the Teeling Brothers are trying to fix that. Go there, have a taste. Is good.