Getting There

So thanks to my friend Virginia for encouraging all of this.  If it isn't recorded, in a few short years it is as if it never happened. This particular story is simply about our travels in Ireland and documented for those close to us who are interested in our adventures and for those future generations who may be inquisitive enough to see what our lives were like.

I have been thinking a lot of my parents these days, especially my Father. He lost his own dad when he was a baby, moved to Ireland as a toddler, grew up dirt poor outside of Kilkenny, sent to boarding school, and, likely due to issues with a stepfather, left home early to join the Oxford Police. Then came WW II and his adventures there. But Canada always had a piece of him, and to the good fortune of his eight children, he settled there after the war.

So Dublin is close, it's comfortable, it almost feels like home. It certainly does to Wendy, whose own Grandmother immigrated from Dunmanway to Canada in 1916. She ended up as a teacher in Northern Alberta, living in a sod hut, before carving out a life for herself on a prosperous farm by Millet, Alberta.

We arrived in Dublin by a circuitous route, via Charlotte, N. Carolina, where we were fortunate enough to see Andrew, Tara and the smartest grandchild on the planet.  There onto New York, where two very old, very close friends were going through yet more employment related turmoil with big decisions demanding attention.  I hope our endless advice and copious amounts of wine helped them out in some small way.

Aer Lingus, soon to be my favorite airline, deposited us at Customs at the ungodly hour of 0430. I had decided to ride Wendy's Irish passport with her and sail right through the line for "Irish Nationals" with the intent of full disclosure of our activities. I was very quickly dismissed with not so much as a glance at my inferior Canadian passport and told to attend with the rest of the foreigners. Wendy sailed right through of course, with a quick wave and a "see ya on the other side!"


"Working or visiting?"

"Just visiting".

"How long are you staying for?"

"Six weeks, if you'll let me."

"What do you do for a living?"

"Retired, Sir."

"You must know people here?"

"Aye, I do." A little lie, but she was already on the other side.

"Enjoy your stay." Stamp. Good for 90 days.

The little diesel Opal was certainly acceptable, but some joker put the steering wheel on the wrong side of it. Given that, the steady rain, the standard transmission, the Ipad not orienting "track up" and the smell of a burning clutch all the way, we eventually found our little apartment.  I love renting, the landlord had the heat completely shut off, but through shivering fingers Wendy got the pilot light lit and the warmth and glow from the little gas fireplace finally convinced us we would eventually survive. 

Downtown Dublin (Pt 1)

If one can avoid the obvious tourist traps, like Grafton Street, and generally north of the Liffey, there are some fabulous places to see.  We are a 50 minute hike to St Stephens Green, a large park in the centre of the real action, we have done this half a dozen times and we are not even a third of the way through our list of things to see.

Trinity Dublin College, first founded in 1592, is world famous and home to the Book of Kells: "The Book of Kells is Ireland's greatest cultural treasure and the world's most famous medieval manuscript. The 9th century book is a richly decorated copy of the four Gospels of the life of Jesus Christ."  The long room is the old library, home to 200,000 manuscripts and the busts of all the significant contributors, a very impressive building. 


Our next order of business was to take the DART up to Blackrock to check out Wendy's new office. the DART is clean, efficient, comfortable, and worth E4 a trip.  Ultrasound Dimensions is a very nice, small, private company in what can only be described as a classic, albeit wealthy, Irish village.

Bru Na Boinne

These tombs were built over 5200 years ago and are now a UN World Heritage sight. A  short day trip north of Dublin, they are indicative of the advanced level of civilization that was here at the time. They are constructed of large, layered rocks, that still do not leak, and in such a way that only on the winter solstice, Dec 21st, at sunrise, the interior tombs are filled with sunlight.

"The archaeological landscape within Brú na Bóinne is dominated by the three well-known large passage tombs, Knowth, Newgrange and Dowth, built some 5,000 years ago in the Neolithic or Late Stone Age. An additional ninety monuments have been recorded in the area giving rise to one of the most significant archaeological complexes in terms of scale and density of monuments and the material evidence that accompanies them. The Brú na Bóinne tombs, in particular Knowth, contain the largest assemblage of megalithic art in Western Europe."

One last descriptor from the guide book: "The construction of the passage tomb cemetery in Brú na Bóinne commenced some time around 3300 BC and by this time, the area had developed into an open farmed landscape with evidence for domestic houses and occupation scattered throughout. The construction of at least 40 passage tombs displaying a sophisticated knowledge of architecture, engineering, astronomy and artistic endeavour indicates a highly organised and settled society where rituals and ceremonies surrounding the treatment of the dead and contact with the ancestors, required highly complex and permanent manifestation."

Downtown Dublin (Pt 2)

The history is almost overwhelming. A good place to start is the Museum of Archeology. It has an impressive collection of ancient gold and silver jewellery, weapons, and bog bodies, some of which are 10,000 years old. The quality of the goldsmithing, for being 3000 to 5000 years old, is impressive. One theory on the bog bodies is: "that a number of these were sacrificed, and that human sacrifice and the deposition of the victims in bogs along tribal boundaries is related to sovereignty and kingship rituals during the Iron Age." It is certainly a bit different looking at an actual person from so long ago and and considering what his life would be like. Short, brutal and ugly I would think.


A casual hike to the Lighthouse.

This light house is a 5 mile hike, or 8 klks, from our little cottage. It is the entrance to the main harbour at Dublin and has been there since late 1700's. Great adventure right?  So off we go. All is great until we get to the beginnings of the pier.  This is what it looks like when we get there:

"Wendy, we should probably reconsider this." "Ah no, we have come this far, it's not likely we will be back here, lets go."  Against my better judgement, we carry on...and we even get to the lighthouse, a bit wet, but only dodging the odd wave.  

"So Wendy, when is the highest tide?"

"Well, lets check."  A minute with her cell phone. "Um, in about another 15 minutes."

So here we are on the way back:


When Wendy and I first dreamed up this adventure, we pictured this ideal little Irish village, close in, with a couple of pubs and little stores around a square. But we knew that a small village wasn't for us, being "big city folks." Well, at least she is. But the power of the internet brought us to Sandymount, a little suburb of Dublin, right on the coast, which has proven to be a perfect choice. 


One widely held theory behind these towers is that they were protection for the Christian monks and priests who were under constant threat of attack from the Vikings, the Norse, the English and assorted others. The invaders would come frequently and pillage all in sight. The Christians would retreat into their Round Towers, pull the ladders up behind them, and patiently wait for the attack to end. 

Other theories range from fire towers, belfries, watch towers, granaries, sepulchres, forts, hermit dwellings, purgatorial pillars, phallic symbols, astronomical marks, depositories of Buddhist relics, Freemason lodges, etc. As mentioned, traditionalists argue that they were used as bell towers or places of refuge, but no-one is sure.

What is known, is that structurally, they conform to a specific design. The entrance was above ground level, and was by means of a freestanding wooden ladder. This would certainly add to the stability of the base, which could be why so many still exist, approx 130 through all of Ireland, and leads to suggest a defensive position, but again, not known for sure. 

Wendy, Mark, Jim (Wendy's cousin) and I paid a visit to one just south of Pt Laoise.